Meeting of the Thermophysical Society
Working Group of the Slovak Physical Society
Editor: Oldrich Zmeskal
Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology 2010
ISBN 978-80-214-4166-8 (Proceedings)
Invited Speaker
Ludovit Kubicar
Head of Thermophysical Laboratory
Institute of Physics
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dubravska cesta 9
845 11 Bratislava
Tel.: +421 2 5941 0576
Graduated in Physics of Solids State at Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1963. CSc obtained at Institute of Physics, SAS in Solid State Physics in 1970, DSc obtained at Institute of Physics, SAS in measurement techniques of thermophysical properties in 1990. He participated in study stay at University of California Santa Barbara for 4 month and in several short study stays at NPL Teddington, AIST in Tsukuba and PTB Braunschweig. He worked out the transient technique for measurement of specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity in material science and technology (1990). He is co-author of pulse method for measuring thermophysical parameters (2001) and the hot-ball method for measuring thermal conductivity (2006). Both methods are patented. He constructed several instruments based on transient methods. Founder of the SME Transient MS, s.r.o. (2005) that deals with instrument production and service. Author of monograph Pulse Method of Measuring Basic Thermophysical Parameters (Elsevier 1991). Member of International Organizing Committee of ECTP, Chairmen of ECTP conference in Bratislava 2005) and Co-chairmen of ECTP conference in Pau 2008. He was prized by The Thermal Conductivity Award at the 26th ITCC in Cambridge MA 2001 and by INCHEBA 2000 for instrument Thermophysical tester RT 1.02 at the 32nd International Chemical Expo Bratislava 2000.
- April 30, 2010: Preliminary registration, Abstract submission
- June 30, 2010: Preliminary registration, Abstract correction and paper submission
- July 31, 2010: Notification of paper acceptance, Conference fee payment - earlybird
- August 31, 2010: Conference fee payment - full
- August 31, 2010: Final registration
- As soon as possible (August 31, 2010 is over !):
Conference fee payment - full
- November 3 - 5, 2010: Conference Time