Meeting of the Thermophysical Society
Working Group of the Slovak Physical Society
Editor: Oldrich Zmeskal
Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology 2010
ISBN 978-80-214-4166-8 (Proceedings)
Invited Speaker
Andrzej Panas
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Mechatronics
gen. S. Kaliskiego 2
00-908 Warsaw
Tel: +48 22 6839543
Andrzej Panas received an MSc degree in Applied Physics in 1983 from the Military University of Technology in Warsaw and an MSc degree in in 1987 from the University of Warsaw. From the beginning of his scientific work at the Institute of Aviation Technology of the Military University of Technology he has been involved in thermophysical property investigation and analytical modeling of fluid flow phenomena. In 1989 he defended his PhD thesis devoted to interferometric dilatometry investigation of a binary Fe-Ni invar type alloys. The laser dilatometry was the main subject of his habilitation dissertation. In 2003 he retired from the Polish Air Force at the rank of Colonel. He received a Professor title in 2009. During his career he has fulfilled a function of the Deputy Commandant of the Faculty of Armament and Aviation Technology and also the Dean of the Mechatronics Faculty at the Military University of Technology.
The research background of Andrzej Panas is mostly applied thermodynamics but he is also involved in many interdisciplinary studies in the fields of: thermal analysis, aviation technology (with the stress put on the aircraft icing physics), biomechanics, metrology, and numerical modeling. He teaches thermodynamics, applied mathematics, computer aided metrology and applied atmospherics physics.
At present he is an assistant professor at the Military University of Technology and a professor - senior research worker of the Institute of the Air Force Institute of Technology.
- April 30, 2010: Preliminary registration, Abstract submission
- June 30, 2010: Preliminary registration, Abstract correction and paper submission
- July 31, 2010: Notification of paper acceptance, Conference fee payment - earlybird
- August 31, 2010: Conference fee payment - full
- August 31, 2010: Final registration
- As soon as possible (August 31, 2010 is over !):
Conference fee payment - full
- November 3 - 5, 2010: Conference Time