![]() Meeting of the Thermophysical Society Working Group of the Slovak Physical Society Editor: Oldrich Zmeskal Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology 2012 ISBN 978-80-214-4599-4 (Proceedings) |
CONFERENCE PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2012 14:00 Registration 15:00 CONFERENCE OPENING (Vlastimil Bohac) 15:10 Invited lecture (30 minutes, Introduction of invited speaker: Ludovit Kubicar) Christ Glorieux ..... Determination of the thermal diffusivity of paint and the thickness of a paint layer by photothermal IR thermography 15:40 Lectures (3 x 20 minutes) Thermal performance and material properties, chairman Ludovit Kubicar Jozef Kovac, Anton Trnik, Igor Medved ..... Calcite influence on the thermal diffusivity of ceramic samples in the temperature range 25 –600°C (to 16:00) Jan Ondruska, Anton Trnik, Dagmar Jandekova, Pavel Reiterman, Igor Medved ..... The comparison of DTA and DSC curves for concrete with metakaolin addition (to 16:20) B. K. Sarkar, G. Pavlendova, I. Banik, A. S. Verma ..... Electronic and Thermal properties of Zinc Chalcogenides based on Density Function Theory (to 16:40) 16:40 COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) 17:00 Lectures (3 x 20 minutes) Theoretical problems of thermal properties, chairman Piotr Koniorczyk Janusz Zmywaczyk, Piotr Koniorczyk, Marek Preiskorn, Bogdan Machowski ..... Identification of heat transfer coefficient inside a hollow cylinder containing a gas-dynamic control block of medium-range ballistic missile (to 17:20) Stanislav Stastnik, Jiri Vala ..... Identification of thermal characteristics of a high-temperature thermal accumulator (to 17:40) E. Martines-Lopez, L. Lira-Cortés ..... Analysis of Luikov´s model in the process of heat and moisture transfer inside of a slab ofceramic (to 18:00) 18:00 DINNER ---------------------------------------------- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 7:30 BREAKFAST 9:00 Invited lecture (30 minutes, Introduction of invited speaker: Igor Medsved) Ismail H. Tavman .....Applications of thermophysics in science and industry – Nanofluids and Polymer Nanocomposites 9:30 Lectures (4 x 20 minutes) Thermal properties of materials, chairman Igor Medsved Oldrich Zmeskal, Lenka Dohnalova, Stanislav Nespurek ..... Study of PCM material diffusivity (to 9:50) Svetozar Malinaric, Peter Krupa ..... Modification of the dynamic plane source method (to 10:10) Lubos Podobnik, Rudolf Podoba, Igor Stubna, Peter Bacik ..... The firing temperature of Gothic bricks from Pác (to 12:30) Vlastimil Bohac, Peter Dieska, Viliam Vretenar ..... The measurement of thermophysical properties of sandstone by pulse transient method using model for cuboid form samples and influence of heat loss effect (to 10:50) 10:50 COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) 11:10 Lectures (5 x 20 minutes) Thermal properties of building materials , chairman Zbysek Pavlik Vratislav Tydlitat, Jan Zakoutsky, Robert Cerny ..... Heat Inertia Correction of Data Measured by a Conduction Calorimeter (to 11:30) Jan Koci, Jiri Madera, Jaromir Zumar, Zbysek Pavlik, Robert Cerny ..... Evolution algorithms as tool for optimization of water vapour transport properties of cellularconcrete (to 11:50) Peter Matiasovsky, Peter Mihalka ..... Determination of poromechanical coupling parameters for calcium silicate boards (to 12:10) Viliam Vretenar, Ludovit Kubicar, Vlastimil Bohac ..... Monitoring of concrete setting and hardening by thermophysical measurements (to 12:50) Zbyšek Pavlík, Milena Pavlíková, Petra Volfová, Martin Keppert, Robert Černý ..... Early age properties of cement paste with pozzolanic admixture 13:00 LUNCH 13:40 CULTURAL PROGRAMME - visit to arrounding of Podkylava 19:00 SOCIAL PROGRAMME - conference dinner and wine testing ---------------------------------------------- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2012 7:30 BREAKFAST 9:00 Invited lecture (30 minutes, Introduction of invited speaker: Olga Koronthalyova) Peter Simon ..... Application of fractals in condensed-state processes 9:30 Lectures (4 x 20 minutes)Theoretical problems of thermal properties , chairman Olga Koronthalyova Peter Matiasovsky, Peter Mihalka, Lubomir Bagel ..... Application of generalised Wiener mixing formula at modelling transport properties of porous materials (to 9:50) Ivan Baník, Jozefa Lukovičová, Gabriela Pavlendová ..... Unsolved Problems in Physics of Chalcogenide Glasses and the Barrier-cluster Model (to 10:10) Peter Matiasovsky, Bozena Vasilkovova, Peter Mihalka ..... Capillary condensation sorption model and its validity for highly porous building materials (to 10:30) Andrés Gómez Ruiz, Ľudovít Kubičár, Viliam Vretenár ..... Simulations of Hot-Ball sensors using COMSOL (to 10:50) 10:50 COFFEE BREAK (20 minutes) 11:10 Lectures (5 x 20 minutes) Moisture related problems, chairman Peter Matiasovsky Ľudovít Kubičár, Danica Fidríková, Vladimír Štofanik ..... Monitoring of the temperature-moisture regime of the wall of St. Martin Cathedral tower in Bratislava (to 11:30) Patrícia Ekkertová, Ivana Šimková, Martin Brček, Tatiana Durmeková, Vlastimil Boháč ..... Influences of temperature change and moisture content on the thermal conductivity of rocks (to 11:50) Olga Koronthalyova, Peter Mihalka ..... Simplified modelling of hygric performance of a hysteretic building material exposed to cyclic changes of relative humidity (to 12:10) S. Olof Mundt-Petersen, Petter Wallentén, Tomi Toratti, Jorma Heikkinen ..... Moisture risk evaluation and determination of required measures to avoid mould damage using the Folos 2D visual mould chart (to 12:30) Christ Glorieux ..... High resolution - high sensitivity adiabatic calorimeter (to 13:10) 13:00 LUNCH 13:40 MEETING OF THERMOPHYSICAL SOCIETY ---------------------------------------------- Papers that were not presented within the conference programme will be published in the conference proceedings as well as presented papers. ---------------------------------------------- BASIC INFORMATIONS AND IMPORTANT DEADLINES