Meeting of the Thermophysical Society
Working Group of the Slovak Physical Society
Editor: Oldrich Zmeskal
Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology 2013
ISBN 978-80-214-4801-8 (Proceedings)
Invited Speaker
Prof. Dariusz GAWIN, D.Sc., Ph.D., MSc., M.E.
Ordinary professor at the Łódź University of Technology
Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering
Head of the Department of Building Physics and Building Materials
90-924 Łódź, Al. Politechniki 6, Poland
tel.: (+48) 42 6313-560
fax: (+48) 42 6313-556
12th May 2011 Full professorship in Technical Sciences, discipline: Civil Engineering, speciality: Building Physics, Łódź University of Technology (Poland)
11th January 2001 D.Sc. (habilitation, with honours) in Building Physics, Łódź University of Technology (Poland), thesis on “Modelling of coupled hygro-thermal phenomena in building materials and building components”;
20th December 1990 Ph.D. (with honours) in Applied Mechanics at the Łódź University of Technology (Poland), thesis on „Coupled processes of mass and energy transfer in capillary porous media”;
5th March 1981 M.Sc. (with honours) in Mechanical Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland), Institute of Naval Architecture, thesis on „Characteristics of ship motion in a seaway”;
• hygro- thermo- chemo- mechanics of partially and fully saturated porous materials, in particular building materials and soils;
• hygro- thermal behaviour and damage of concrete at high temperature;
• hygro- thermo- mechanical behaviour and maturing of concrete structures at early ages;
• numerical modelling of coupled heat and moisture transfer with phase changes in capillary porous materials, including freezing and thawing phenomena;
• energy auditing and energy conservation in buildings - some problems of sustainable housing;
• application of Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms for solution of inverse problems for heat and mass transfer, and mechanics of porous media;
• 11 national projects (7 times as the project head);
• 14 international and foreign projects (5 times as the project head).
The value of Hirsch index (November 2013):
• h= 16 – according to the Web of Knowledge database, totally 930 citations (889 citations in 481 papers included in the JCR database, 634 without auto-citations);
• h= 17 – according to the SCOPUS database, totally 986 citations in 533 papers (715 without auto-citations);
• 8 books and monographs;
• 72 papers in scientific journals (40 from the JCR database);
• 21 papers in technological journals;
• 43 papers published as chapters in books
• 101 papers on international scientific conferences and congresses;
• 125 papers on Polish national scientific conferences;
• 14 internal reports.
Numerical Modelling Of Coupling Between Hygro-Thermal State and Chemical Degradation of Porous Building Materials
More detailed information is available at
- July 31, 2013: Preliminary registration, Abstract submission
- August 31, 2013: Preliminary registration, Abstract correction and paper submission
- September 30, 2013: Notification of paper acceptance
- September 30, 2013: Final registration, Conference fee payment
- 13th November - 15th November 2013: Conference Time