Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology 2009

Meeting of the Thermophysical Society

Working Group of the Slovak Physical Society



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Thermophysics 2019

22nd October - 24th October 2019
Smolenice Castle, Z�mock� 1/18, Smolenice
Slovak Republic

This conference will be the 24th in a series of well-established meetings that have been held since 1996 (see their history here). In 2019 it will be organized by Institute of Construction and Architecture in the Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, and will take place in the Smolenice Castle situated in south Slovakia.

The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for a wide range of researchers to meet and exchange valuable experience in the field of thermophysics, heat and mass transport, heat storage, experimental measurement of thermophysical properties, materials parameters characterization, monitoring of temperature field in porous media with moisture content, and other related fields. The conference will host invited lectures and oral presentations.

In 2019 the conference proceedings will be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings Series (published by the American Institute of Physics Publishing LLC). The conference proceedings is indexed by the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The corresponding links to the last year conference proceeding is given here: Table of Contents

Organizers kindly invite authors to send full text and attend the meeting.

Appropriate conference topics are:
- Thermal performance and material properties
- Thermophysical properties and testing methods
- PCM materials
- Moisture related problems
- Hygrothermal behavior of materials
- Thermal insulation materials
- Calorimetric measurements
- High temperature analysis
- Composite materials
- Applications of temperature, humidity, moisture and other thermal measurements
- Dynamic and Transient measurements
- Climate and Weather Applications
- Uncertainty Estimation

Authors are required to send their papers (both doc and pdf) to email of Oldrich Zmeskal . With each paper the authors must submit a signed Copyright Transfer Form AIP
(see the Guidelines for Authors for more details): .


  • May 15, 2019: Preliminary registration, Full paper submission
  • June 7, 2019: Notification of manuscript acceptance
  • June 30, 2019: Conference fee payment
  • 22nd October - 24th October 2019: Conference Time