Meeting of the Thermophysical Society

Working Group of the Slovak Physical Society



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Thermophysics 2024

9th October - 11th October 2024
Czech Republic

This conference will be the 29th in a series of well-established meetings that have been held since 1996. Its chairmanship changes every three years, and in the period 2024 - 2025 is organized by the by the Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering of Czech Technical University (FCE CTU)

The co-organizers of the conference are the
- Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology of University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (FCH UCT)
- Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry of Brno University of Technology (FCH BUT)

In 2024 the conference will take place in the Dalesice Brewery situated in south Moravia.

The conference includes invited lectures, oral presentations, and discussions on specialized topics.
The objective of the conference is to discuss the results of academic and industrial research, and exchange invaluable experiences in the field of thermo-physical properties of materials. It usually hosts about 40 participants from various countries, especially Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland, but also from Austria, Sweden, Germany, Japan, France, Turkey, Canada, Israel, Kazakhstan or India.

Invited Lectures
Prof. Dr. Ing. David Sedmidubsky (UCT Prague)
Prof. Ing. Vlcek Jozef, Ph.D. (Technical University of Ostrava)
Ing. Vlastimil Bohac, CSc. (Slovak Academy of Sciences)

Conference Proceedings
In 2024 the conference proceedings will be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings Series that is published by the American Institute of Physics Publishing LLC. The AIP conference proceedings are indexed by the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The AIP conference proceedings from Thermophysics 2022 has been already published and can be found at web pages

Call for papers
Preliminary registration and full paper submission must be made by April 30, 2024. Acceptance of papers for presentation at the conference will be based on the content of the abstracts. Authors are required to send their papers (both doc and pdf) to email of Oldrich Zmeskal. With each paper the authors must submit a signed Copyright Transfer Form AIP. (see the Guidelines for Authors for more details): .
Each participant may submit unlimited number of papers.

Conference topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Thermal performance and material properties
- Hygrothermal behavior of materials
- Thermal properties of insulation materials and composite materials
- Research on advanced composites and construction materials
- Thermophysical properties of wood, wood composites and their use in building industry
- Investigation of thermophysical properties of liquids
- Geothermal heat energy storage systems and materials
- Heat storage PCM and its applications
- Thermal properties of superconducting materials
- Climate and Weather Applications
- Thermo-physical properties and testing methods
- Dynamic and Transient measurements
- High-temperature analysis
- Calorimetric measurements
- Applications of temperature, humidity, moisture, and other thermal measurements
- Moisture related problems
- Uncertainty Estimation
- 3D-printing, additive manufacturing
- Advanced materials with nanoadditives
- Energy aspects of high-temperature processing of products
- Corrosion of materials
- New qualities and grades of refractory materials
- Modification of materials performance by nanoaddtives

Venue and accommodation
The Brewery Dalesice is the well-known brewery in the Czech Republic. It is known from the Czechoslovak comedy directed by Jiri Menzel Cutting It Short (also released as Shortcuts, in Czech: Postriziny). It is based on the novel Postriziny of the Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal. The story is set in a brewery in a small Czech town. Each year, numerous international congresses, symposiums, and meetings with the international attendance organized by the Czech scientific and industry institutions take place here.


Detailed information you can find at 1st Announcement and 2nd Announcement

Deadlines can be postponed to a later date

  • April 30, 2024: Preliminary registration, Abstract submission
  • June 30, 2024: Full paper submission
  • July 31, 2024: Notification of manuscript acceptance
  • August 31, 2024: Conference fee payment
  • 9th October - 11th October 2024: Conference Time

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